An Invitation to See the 3D in yourself. It invites you to begin to see the infrastructures of pain as separate from you.
I believe this 3D journey is about discovering that we are here to turn density into light, pain into love. This is the alchemy of transcendence. And now, more than ever, we have the energies of transformation available to us. But to access those energies, we need to get honest about where that potential for transformation is. It is in YOU. It is in your pain, in your being. And your pain infrastructure does not want you to see it. Your pain wants you to look at everyone else. We are addicted to our pain avoidance, especially in North America.
Working with pain daily, I see the most clandestine pain avoidance schemes at work. So we need to get very focused, quiet, and clever at bringing love and consciousness into our hidden pain stories.
Dismantling The 3rd Dimension podcast explores a framework for those on this journey of awakening from this 3D reality. We need to develop a clearer vision of how not to look away. We need to see that our habits of raging and blaming others are a part of the covert operation of this 3-dimensional reality that keeps us firmly in the delusion of the Us versus Them existence.
Antonia is an inspiring speaker and bestselling author. As there are various topics with rich content that Antonia shares, she merges energy and enthusiasm to empower and embolden any audience.
​While Antonia routinely delivers custom content, her most popular topics include:
Connecting Trauma Work and Healing Our State of Separation
Seeing The Pain is Releasing The 3rd Dimension
The Horror, The Gift and The Delusion of Pain.
Why and How to See The 3rd Dimension
Relationship Between Healing and Consciousness
If you are interested in learning more about how Antonia would be an ideal fit and inspiration for your audience, please reach out to us today.

“To transform the 3rd dimension is to
release the artifacts of fear.”
— Antonia