Antonia's mission is to Activate, Enable,
and Expedite your journey into the next reality.
Antonia's accelerated transformation started in 2006 when she discovered her capacity to dissolve lifetimes of pain in her own body through a harrowing journey inward. As her energies increased, she assisted clients in activating their process of expansion. Raising the vibration by inviting a deep seeing of the truth of pain, she enables their process of dissolution of ancient trauma. As her expansion continues, she shares the energy and awareness it reveals.
Antonia spent the early decades collecting Bachelor's and Master's degrees in prestigious institutions of higher learning. She graduated from OISE, the University of Toronto, with a Masters of Education in Counseling Psychology. In addition, she has a Masters of Arts in International Development from St. Mary's University in Halifax. She graduated from the Center for Ayurveda and Indian Systems of Healing (CAISH), where she became a certified Ayurvedic Counselor, and studied Women's Herbal Remedies at the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico and Ayurvedic Psychotherapy at Renaissance Yoga and Ayurveda in Toronto.
She built up knowledge, intellect, data, and credibility, and now, she is learning to unlearn. To expand awareness, she disassembles the infrastructure of the mind and surrenders it to the heart because she is here to let it all go—all but the love.
Like many on this journey, the work - the psychotherapy, the energetics, podcast, healing modules and now the book - was compulsive in nature; pulled by the need to contribute to the collective sharing of our visions in the next phase of our global evolution.
In this life, Antonia plays the roles of Registered Psychotherapist, Plant Medicine Integration Counselor, Transmuter/Facilitator, Ayurvedic Counselor, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, and Retreat Facilitator, and is now in training for Plant Medicine Facilitation. As an integrative therapist, she blends Western modalities of a therapeutic relationship with the metaphysical transmutation of trauma of separation. Antonia helps people see the pain as a signal, a signpost, and an opportunity for expansion; to bring awareness to pain and integrate our hidden suffering into the greater whole.
Antonia takes you deeper into knowing and being through her one-on-one healing sessions, online modules, workshops, and retreats. She anchors you in her presence to direct the energies of consciousness and healing into sights unseen. To truly see the 3D in your body transforms it into a higher self. She invites the power of awareness to raise the vibration, creating opportunities to detox layers of 3D pain. Her goal is to assist healers, seekers, and psychonauts get ready for a wave of healing as our collective, ancient traumas surface more rapidly and readily on our path to the next reality.
This is her passion. This is her destiny. This is her collective.
In her non-professional life, her favorite pastimes are kayaking, reading, painting, meditating, and playing in her sacred garden. She is originally from the Western Provinces of Alberta, and B.C..

Antonia's Mission

To contribute energies of awareness and transcendence in assisting the process of healing and expansion for the journey into the next reality.
I invite people to see/feel/sense their discomfort for the purposes of integrating pain into the higher Self.
I show people how to see the pain as a signal, a signpost and an opportunity for transformation.
On this journey our job is to bring awareness to that pain. Awareness in a way that your mind is afraid to understand. We transform that pain into something higher - into reflections of love - leading us into expanded states. I show you how to see our pain, and how your egoic mind has taught you to avoid it.
We are all engaged in habits of not looking, not seeing, and denying. My job is to take you into deeper levels of awareness, knowing, and of being. I am here to anchor you in presence to allow the energies of consciousness, healing, and order into sights unseen. We see the discomfort, bring awareness to it, and not believe it but transform it.
To join me on this journey is to see the 3D story, to witness the ancient programs, and to feel the density within. It is to know that all suffering can be metabolized by consciousness, in its own time and through its own process. If you have invited me in, then together we expand that path of awareness and see what pain does not want us to see. We invite light to enter and facilitate the deep integration back into the whole. We are detoxing the layers of density we have been holding in our 3D beings and are now ready to let go.
This is my passion. This is my destiny. This is my collective.
I work one on one. I transmit in groups. And now in audio and video.
Antonia's job is to take you and your audience into deeper levels of seeing, knowing, and being.
She will anchor you and your audience in presence, allowing you to bring the energies of consciousness, healing and order into sights unseen.
Through her insights and presence, she will expand the path of awareness to help you see the pain and make it available for dismantling. To expand into the reality of knowing that none of this is real.
Together, we invite the healing power of consciousness to enter into our beings and facilitate our deep integration back into the whole. We detox layers of density we hold in our 3D being and are now ready to let go.
Antonia beautifully presents the first steps of transformation from pain to love by teaching us to actually see the pain and bring it into full awareness to unlock the energy of creativity and expansion.
Help your audience unleash their inner awareness. To interview Antonia or invite her to speak at your event, please reach out to us today.

“The teachings are AMAZING. I listened to all of them on my way up to the park. You had me crying, you had me laughing and you had me yelling in my car. I also felt called out in the best way possible at points. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this place being hell and being the furthest place from pure love. When you rounded that out at the end with the roses and daffodils, it did me in. What a journey. I now feel even more motivated to shift through this pain. Thank you. The pacing is perfect. It sounds like I’m listening to an old friend. I can’t wait for what’s next.”
— Ashleen
“I listened to the latest of your podcasts this morning. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story about you and your father. Sorry to take this and make it all about me (but I will) - it’s a gift to be able to see myself in your story and, in a way, to “try on” openness and compassion, to make space for my own emotions to be seen, to recognize pain and meaning, and to imagine where I can apply this on my journey. Thank you for always shining a light on the path ahead for those of us behind you.”
— Michelle
"All videos sound and look amazing. The content really brought light into some dark places for me. I also really enjoyed the Yin practice. Thank you for this incredible opportunity. I will be purchasing the modules as a way to come back to what is real, to what is love, because of your wisdom, and I know many others on this journey will do the same."
— Chantel